If you are not receiving messages on your athletes' accounts, please follow these instructions
- How to Sync the Calendar to Your Phone
You can push your team's calendar to your phone from the SportsEngine app. Go into the schedule tab. There is a calendar icon in the upper right with a small arrow pointing right. Tap that and follow the instructions.
- What is Mailing Address?
PO BOX 642 Mukwonaogo WI 53149
- Where can I rent gear?
MLC has an incredible partnership with Lax Shack for your rental needs. Please reach out to Billy Spingola at bspingola@wiscolaxshack.com for pricing or other questions you may have.
- When is a typical season?
The OFFICIAL season generally begins end of March or Early April, weather dependent and runs through June.
- When do teams typically practice?
Boys generally practice Tuesdays and Thursdays with a planned third practice for the U14s. Boys generally practice Mondays and Wednesdays with a planned third practice for the U14s.
- When and where are games played?
Games are generally held on weekends at the various tournaments MLC participates in. There will be a few additional games outside of the tournaments during the week. All events are located in SportsEngine